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What is the meaning of Sadhvi? (साध्वी का क्या अर्थ है?)

Sadhvi is a Sanskrit word which literally means "virtuous woman" and refers to women who have renounced their worldly attachments and chosen to remain aloof from society to focus on a spiritual life. Her life is a remarkable combination of devotion to God and service to society. Sadhvis believe that "service to humanity is service to God" and dedicate their lives to God.
Sadhvi initiation ceremony
During initiation of Sadhvi, a ceremony is organized with the whole society, relatives and elders. In this initiation ceremony, boys become sadhus and girls become sadhvis. This ceremony is just like a wedding ceremony. Means they leave with laughter and happiness before giving up worldly life and attachment.

Traditionally, women choose this lifestyle after becoming widowed, although some begin following this path in their teens and 20s. It is said that the number of women on the Sadhu/Sadhvi path is about 10 percent.

Sadhvi's lifestyle
The ultimate goal of the Sadhvi lifestyle is to attain spiritual liberation or moksha. Sadhvis can be yoginis, but it is not necessary that yoginis are sadhvis.

Sadhvis, like their male counterparts, dedicate their lives to intense meditation, a particular God, yoga and spiritual discussions, and other related practices. Some live in isolation, while others practice spiritual practice through organized groups. Sadhvis achieve complete peace and development by integrating all their powers into a unified consciousness through transcendental knowledge.

Famous Sadhvis:
Sadhvi Ritambhara
Brahmakumari Shivani

साध्वी का क्या अर्थ है? हिन्दी में पढ़ें

साध्वी एक संस्कृत शब्द है जिसका शाब्दिक अर्थ है "गुणी महिला" और उन महिलाओं को संदर्भित करता है जिन्होंने अपनी संसार का मोह को त्याग दिया है और आध्यात्मिक जीवन पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए समाज से अलग रहना चुना है। उनका जीवन भगवान के प्रति समर्पण और समाज के लिए सेवा का एक उल्लेखनीय संयोजन है। साध्वी मानते ​​है कि “मानवता की सेवा भगवान की सेवा है” और अपने जीवन भगवान के प्रति समर्पण करलेते हैं।
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