The original mantra of Bholenath, the beloved of all the gods and goddesses of Hinduism, is "Om" ॐ. Due to which every person of this Hindu religion chants. Om is the sound of a sacred spiritual symbol in Indian religions. The meaning of Om varies within different traditions and between different schools. "Om" as a syllable, either independently or before spiritual lessons, is sung during meditation in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.
In Hinduism, where it symbolizes the essence of the ultimate reality which is consciousness, Om is one of the most important spiritual symbols. It is a sacred spiritual mantra that is performed before the recitation of spiritual texts and during worship and during private prayers, in ceremonies of sacraments (sanskaras) such as marriages, and during meditation and spiritual activities such as Pranava Yoga.
In Hinduism "Om" is the seed of creation:
This "
Om" is the ultimate source of all the energies of the universe. The various levels, dimensions and energy streams of energy pervading the infinite universe have flowed through "Om". That is why in the Upanishads it is described that in the "Om" car everyone lives and in the end everything will merge into the "Om" car. From the subtlest of the universe to Mahavira, all the secrets are contained in this "Om".
The advantages of pronouncing "Om" :
Om is a word by which we can see the flow of positive energy around us. If it is recited in a quiet place, then we can see some wonderful energy flowing within us.
Therefore the Vedas say that for those who have known "Om", there is nothing left for them to know in the afterlife.
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