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Spiritual Significance of Abhaya Mudra (अभय मुद्रा का आध्यात्मिक महत्व)

Abhaya Mudra is a mudra (hand gesture) used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is also known as Abhaya Mudra or Fear Not Mudra. The gesture is performed by raising the right hand, with the palm facing outward and the fingers spread. It is said that this mudra represents security, fearlessness and peace.
Meaning of Abhaya Mudra
Abhaya Mudra is often interpreted as a hand gesture of conquering fear or being fearless. However, “fear” must be conquered by following the path of righteousness and following the righteous path.

Abhaya Mudra is always done with the right hand. It is a symbol of rising above ignorance and walking on the path of religion. The left hand is either hanging downwards (when standing) or making complementary postures like Varada Mudra or Dhyana Mudra.

Glimpse of Abhaya Mudra in the idols of Hindu Gods
❀ Abhaya Mudra is also associated with Bhagwan Vishnu, who is often depicted striking the pose. Abhaya Mudra is a powerful symbol that can be used to promote peace and well-being. It's a reminder that we are all connected and that we have the power to overcome fear and negativity.

❀ In Indian religions, Abhaya Mudra also symbolizes divine protection. Abhaya (She without fear) is one of the incarnations of the Hindu goddess Shakti (feminine energy), alternatively called Mahamaya or Chandika. Abhaya Mudra is also a common motif in Jain imagery and depictions of Hindu deities such as Shiva (Nataraja) and Parvati.

❀ Abhaya Mudra also symbolizes the hand of Amoghasiddhi (Lord of Karma) – the 5th Dhyani Buddha in Buddhism.

Finally, the Abhaya Mudra is found in many Buddha depictions, particularly the Lila Buddha (depicting the Buddha walking or waving) and in paintings that describe how Gautama Buddha calmed an angry elephant with this gesture.

अभय मुद्रा का आध्यात्मिक महत्व हिन्दी में पढ़ें

अभय मुद्रा हिंदू और बौद्ध धर्म में उपयोग की जाने वाली एक मुद्रा (हाथ का इशारा) है।
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