Narsimha Jayanti is the birth anniversary of Bhagwan narsimha. This year Narsimha Jayanti will be celebrated on 25 May. According to Hindu Panchang, Bhagwan narsimha ji was incarnated on the Chaturdashi date of Vaishakh Shukla Paksha. According to religious belief, Bhagwan narsimha is the sixth incarnation of Vishnu, the Palanhar of the world. Let's know about the special Muhurta of this day, the method of worship and the mythology associated with his birth.
Narsimha Jayanti 2021 Muhurta:
Chaturdashi Date Start - May 25, 2021 at 00:25 AM
Chaturdashi Date ends - May 25, 2021 at 20:30 PM
Pouranik Katha
Hiranyakashyap had a Vardan from Brahmaji that he could neither be killed by any human nor by any animal. Neither can be killed in the day, nor in the night, nor can be killed on the ground, nor in the sky. After getting this boon (Vardan) he became very egoistic.
On the other hand, contrary to the nature of Hiranyakashyap, his son Prahlad was a great devotee of Bhagwan Vishnu. Angry Hiranyakashyap tied his son Prahlad to the wall and set it on fire and said where is your God?'' Prahlad said that God is here, where you have tied me. As soon as Hiranyakashyap wanted to kill Prahlad with his Gada(mace), Bhagwan Vishnu came out of the pillar with the incarnation of narsimha and killed Hiranyakashyap. The day Bhagwan Narsingh protected the life of the devotee Prahlad by killing Hiranyakashyap, the day is celebrated as narsimha Jayanti.
Shri Narsimha Jayanti Celebration
Respecting social distance norms,
ISKON invites all of you to participate in the online event and take the blessings of Bhagwan narsimha. Through online devotees will also offer special prayers to Bhagwan narsimha for the welfare of the world.
All devotees are requested to demonstrate their respect for government restrictions on exiting the home as responsible citizens.