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Pouranik Katha behind the birth of Hanuman (हनुमान जी के जन्म के पीछे की पौराणिक कथा पढ़ें)

Pouranik Katha behind the birth of Hanuman
According to mythology, Bhagwan Hanuman was born on the Anjaneri mountain. His father Kesari was the son of Jupiter (Brihaspati ) and the king of Sumeru. His mother Anjana was a nymph (Apsara) who was cursed to live on earth. She gave birth to Hanuman after intense prayer to Bhagwan Shivji which lasted for 12 years and, giving birth, ended her curse.
Hanuman is considered to be an avatar or reflection of Shivji and is often called Vayuputra which means (son of Vayu)). There are many interpretations of the Ramayan which describe the role of Vayu in the birth of Hanuman. One such legend is that Vayu transferred the male energy of Bhagwan Shiva to Anjana's womb when she and her husband Kesari prayed to Bhagwan for a child.

Importance of Hanuman Jayanti:
Hanuman is considered as the 11th Rudra avatar of Bhagwan Shiva and is worshiped as a symbol of strength, wisdom, valor, intelligence and selfless service. He is considered to be immortal practicing celibacy throughout life and who has the power to prevent all kinds of negative influences or temptations. He who devoted his life to Bhagwan Ram and Sita, never showed his strength or valor without any purpose. To attain this type of virtue, one should worship Hanuman.

How to Celebrate Hanuman Jayanti: Hanuman Jayanti Specials 2021
❀ Bhagwan Hanuman is worshiped as a deity who has the ability to win and provide protection against evil.
❀ On the day of Hanuman Jayanti, devotees visit Hanuman temples early in the morning for worship and offerings.
❀ As Hanuman was born at sunrise, various rituals are performed before that.
❀ Put orange tilak on the Hanuman murti, offer prayers, perform aarti and chant mantras, songs and bhajans are some of the common practices performed on this day.
❀ Devotees read and listen to Granth and bhajan or mantras like the lines of Hanuman Chalisa or Ramayan.
❀ Offer prasad and eat satvik food.

Jai Hanuman!

हनुमान जी के जन्म के पीछे की पौराणिक कथा पढ़ें हिन्दी में पढ़ें

पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार, अंजनेरी पर्वत पर भगवान हनुमान का जन्म हुआ था। उनके पिता केसरी बृहस्पति के पुत्र थे और सुमेरु के राजा थे। उनकी माँ अंजना एक अप्सरा थी जो पृथ्वी पर रहने के लिए अभिशप्त थी।
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