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Mystery of Hanuman Ji: Who lives under the feet of Hanumanji? (हनुमान जी का रहस्य: हनुमानजी के चरणों के नीचे कौन रहता है?)

Mystery of Hanuman Ji: Who lives under the feet of Hanumanji?
There are many such mysteries related to Hanuman ji which remain a puzzle even today. One of these mysteries is who resides under his feet. In Hindu religion, Hanuman ji is considered as the supreme devotee and supreme god. At the same time, Hanuman ji is also very mysterious. Many mysteries related to Hanuman ji are described in religious texts. There is one of these which is under the feet of Hanuman ji.
Let's know the Mystery of Hanuman Ji in detail
According to legend, when Shani Dev was appointed by Bhagwan Shiva as the Karma Daata, everything was going smoothly in the beginning but gradually Shani Dev became proud of his powers, which made the inhabitants of the earth Took form He had to conquer the wrath of fierce anger and unnecessary punishment.

Meanwhile, Hanuman ji went out to visit the earth, where he saw that there is no such person on earth, who is not troubled by Shani Dev's anger without any reason and without any crime. The fury of Shani Dev's anger was created by humans on earth and by the gods in heaven. Seeing this, Hanuman ji reached his world to meet Shani Dev and explain to him.

Hanuman ji met Shani Dev and told him the condition of earth and heaven and prayed to Shani Dev to pacify his anger and not punish anyone unnecessarily. Inauspicious results are given to those who are entitled to punishment, but Shani Dev was so engrossed in the opinion of his powers that he did not even realize his mistake. He insulted Hanuman ji.

Even after persuasion by Hanuman ji, he misbehaved in anger instead of humility, after which Hanuman ji decided to bring Shani Dev back to the right path by making him realize his mistake, after which Hanuman ji reached there. There was a fierce war between Hanuman ji and Shani Dev. The war is believed to have lasted for several months. Shani Dev's power was starting to wane.

When Shani Dev saw that Hanuman ji was extremely angry, Shani Dev ran away from there and hid at a place. Shani Dev understood the trick that Hanuman ji is a child celibate and does not use force on women at all, so he disguised himself as a woman and went to the feet of Hanuman ji and started apologizing, after which Hanuman ji gave him Abhay Daan. It is believed that since then Shani Dev is believed to reside at the feet of Hanuman ji.

Shri Hanuman Aarti:
हनुमान आरती
बालाजी आरती
श्री राम स्तुति: श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजुमन
त्रिमूर्तिधाम: श्री हनुमान जी की आरती

Mantra / Namavali:
संकट मोचन हनुमानाष्टक
श्रीहनुमत् पञ्चरत्नम्
श्री हनुमान स्तवन - श्रीहनुमन्नमस्कारः
श्री हनुमान अष्टोत्तर-शतनाम-नामावली
हनुमान द्वादश नाम स्तोत्रम

Hanuman Bhajan:
हे दुःख भन्जन, मारुती नंदन
बजरंग बाण
राम ना मिलेगे हनुमान के बिना
वीर हनुमाना अति बलवाना
छम छम नाचे देखो वीर हनुमाना
बालाजी मने राम मिलन की आस
संकट के साथी को हनुमान कहते हैं
हनुमान भजन

Hanuman Kath:
श्री हनुमान! मंगलवार व्रत कथा
सुन्दरकाण्ड पाठ
श्री हनुमान गाथा

Hanuman Mandir:
दिल्ली के प्रसिद्ध हनुमान बालाजी मंदिर
हनुमान बरी, नगला खुशहाली
श्री मकरध्वज हनुमान मंदिर, बेट द्वारिका
डुल्या मारुति मंदिर, पुणे
108 फुट संकट मोचन धाम, दिल्ली
बड़ा हनुमान मंदिर, ब्रिजघाट गढ़मुक्तेश्वर
श्री पंचमुखी हनुमान मंदिर, जयपुर
श्री संकट मोचन हनुमान मंदिर, जयपुर
दर्शन मुखी श्री हनुमान मंदिर, शेरगढ़ किला धौलपुर
पनकी हनुमान मंदिर, कानपुर
रामचंडी हनुमान मंदिर, पुरी

Bhog, Prasadam Recipe:
चूरमा के लड्‍डू
साबूदाने की खीर

हनुमान जी का रहस्य: हनुमानजी के चरणों के नीचे कौन रहता है? हिन्दी में पढ़ें

हनुमान जी से जुड़े ऐसे कई रहस्य हैं जो आज भी पहेली बने हुए हैं। इन्हीं रहस्यों में से एक है उनके चरणों के नीचे कौन निवास करता है। हिन्दू धर्म में हनुमान जी को परम भक्त और परम देव माना जाता है।
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