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How does Shanti Mantra help to deal with Covid anxiety? (शांति मंत्र कैसे कोविड की दुश्चिंता से निपटने में मदद करता है?)

Living through a stressful situation in the current COVID-19 pandemic can certainly be a worsening symptom of depression and anxiety.
Activities to cope with anxiety:
● Do limited work per day and make the promise to do one self-soothing activity a day, such as taking a bath, drinking a cup of tea, taking a nap, or practicing deep breathing for 5 minutes.
● Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories
● Take care of your body.
● Try to do some other activities you enjoy.
● Connect with your community- or faith-based organizations.

For inner peace and cope with anxiety, you can chant the Shanti mantra. This Shanti mantra performs during Hindu religious ceremonies.

The Shanti mantra comes from Hindu Pavitra Granth" Upanishads". This mantra is chanted for calm in mind. It is believed that this chant removes stress and anxiety and brings physical, divine and internal peace.

Shanti Mantra:
ॐ द्यौ: शान्तिरन्तरिक्षँ शान्ति:,
पृथ्वी शान्तिराप: शान्तिरोषधय: शान्ति: ।

वनस्पतय: शान्तिर्विश्वे देवा: शान्तिर्ब्रह्म शान्ति:,
सर्वँ शान्ति:, शान्तिरेव शान्ति:, सा मा शान्तिरेधि ॥
ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति: ॥

Bhaktibharat wishes for a normal life soon. Follow rules and stay safe!

शांति मंत्र कैसे कोविड की दुश्चिंता से निपटने में मदद करता है? हिन्दी में पढ़ें

वर्तमान COVID-19 महामारी में तनावपूर्ण स्थिति से गुजरना निश्चित रूप से अवसाद एक चिंता दयाक लक्षण हो सकता है। आंतरिक शांति और चिंता से निपटने के लिए आप शांति मंत्र का जाप कर सकते हैं।

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