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Happy Buddha Purnima (बुद्ध पूर्णिमा की शुभकामनाएँ)

Happy Buddha Purnima
Buddha Purnima, Buddha Jayanti or Vesak is a festival of Buddhists that marks the birth of Gautam Buddha. Buddha means enlightenment and death. It falls on the day of the Full Moon in April or May and in India it is a gazetted holiday.
Many Hindus believe Buddha to be the ninth incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu, as indicated in scriptures.

What Do People Do?
To listen to monks preaches Buddhists visit temples on this day and recite ancient verses. In more than one temple Devout Buddhists may spend the whole day. Some temples display a small statue of Buddha as a baby. The statue is placed in a basin filled with water and decorated with flowers. Visitors to the temple pour water over the statue. This symbolizes a pure and new beginning.

To Buddha's teachings during Vesak many Buddhists pay special attention. On and around Buddha Purnima Buddhists wear white robes and eat vegetarian food. Many people also give money, food or goods to organizations that help the poor, the elderly and those who are sick. Caged animals are bought and set free to display care for all living creatures, as preached by Buddha.

Public Life
Government organizations in India remain closed on Buddha Purnima.

Buddha was an influential spiritual teacher during and after his lifetime. Many Buddhists see him as the Supreme Buddha. Festivals to honor Buddha were held for many centuries. The decision to celebrate Buddha Purnima as the Buddha's birthday was formalized at the first conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists. This conference was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in May, 1950. The date was fixed as the day of the Full Moon in May.

Different Buddhist communities may celebrate Buddha Purnima on different dates in years when there are two full moons in May. This is because the Buddhist lunar calendar can be interpreted in different ways.

During Buddha Purnima the dharma chakra or dharma wheel is a symbol often seen. It is a wooden wheel with eight spokes. The wheel represents Buddha's teaching with the enlightenment path. The eight spokes symbolize the noble eightfold path of Buddhism.

Happy Buddha Purnima!

बुद्ध पूर्णिमा की शुभकामनाएँ हिन्दी में पढ़ें

बुद्ध पूर्णिमा, बुद्ध जयंती या वेसाक बौद्धों का त्योहार है जो गौतम बुद्ध के जन्म का प्रतीक है। बुद्ध का अर्थ है आत्मज्ञान और मृत्यु। यह अप्रैल या मई में पूर्णिमा के दिन पड़ता है और भारत में यह राजपत्रित अवकाश होता है।
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