Every year Ganesh Chaturthi festival celebrate with huge pomp at Batganesh Mandir, Jagannath Temple Puri. This Ganesh temple is called Bataganesh Mandir and it is on the South Side of Jagannath Temple near Kalpabata ( Desire Fulfilling Banyan Tree ). The idol is made of stone and its face is towards the south.
This shrine is situated at the root of Kalpabata. the height of this shrine is 12 feet. The height of the idol is 4 feet. He was seated on his throne with a calm posture. He has four arms. Right two hands adorned with Rudraksha garland, Lekhani ( Pen ) a broken tooth of an elephant. The Left two hands are adorned with a weapon ( Parshu ) and Ladu ( Sweet). His mount the mouse situated in his front on a granite pedestal. One can feel a sense of the actual mouse for few seconds while touching the back of the granite mouse. It believes that Bhagwan Ganesh can fulfill all the desires like Kalpataru.
After the construction of Sri Mandir, the Bata Ganesh was worshiped first. The daily rituals of Sri Bata Ganesh are managed by the Sri Jagannath Temple administration. During the month of Bhadraba Masa, Ganesha Chaturthi day is being observed sacredly.
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