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Digital Baba in Narmada Yatra (नर्मदा यात्रा में डिजिटल बाबा)

Digital Baba in Narmada Yatra
Digital Baba Swami Ram Shankar is doing the most famous Narmada Parikrama in the region. During the Narmada Parikrama, Digital Baba is trying to create his identity through social media by going among the people associated with this work. Digital Baba started Narmada Parikrama from Omkareshwar after formal worship at Gomukh Ghat on Devuthani Ekadashi, Kanya Bhoj.
Who is Digital Baba?
The famous Digital Baba is a young monk whose real name is Swami Ram Shankar. Those who keep the youth informed about the spiritual Indian culture through social media. He keeps on explaining to the youth the importance of spirituality in life.

Digital Baba was born on 1 November 1987 in Khajuri Bhatt village of Deoria district of Uttar Pradesh. In the year 2008, after receiving initiation from Mahant Swami Shivcharan Das Maharaj of Lomash Rishi Ashram, Ayodhya, he dedicated his life to the devotional path of Vairagi tradition. In eight years, he made a deep study of the Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita, Yogashastra and Music. As a student, Swamiji wanted to become a film actor but eventually turned to the spiritual path.

In which digital platform Swamiji is famous:
One and a half lakh people from the country and the world follow Digital Baba on the Facebook page of Digital Baba. Digital Baba said that circumambulation of Maa Narmada is a matter of very personal experience of my life. The purpose of showing this among the people through social media is to convey the importance of parikrama to the young generation of the society. So that maximum number of youth get inspired and participate in Narmada Parikrama.

What Digital Baba says about Narmada Yatra:
Through circumambulation, devotion towards the grace of God increases within the seeker. Along with this, the physical condition of the society, cultural condition and the experience of philosophy of life are visible. This is never possible by any other means. When we practice living life in adverse circumstances. Which will provide introversion to the youth. Along with worldly progress, the younger generation will be aware of self-welfare.

To know in detail about Digital Baba and his Narmada Yatra, visit our news partner Ultranews TV.

नर्मदा यात्रा में डिजिटल बाबा हिन्दी में पढ़ें

प्रसिद्ध डिजिटल बाबा एक युवा संन्यासी हैं जिनका वास्तविक नाम स्वामी राम शंकर है। जो सोशल मीडिया के माध्यम से युवाओं को आध्यात्मिक भारतीय संस्कृति से अवगत कराते रहते हैं। वह युवाओं को जीवन में अध्यात्म का महत्व समझाते रहते हैं। डिजिटल बाबा स्वामी राम शंकर क्षेत्र में सबसे प्रसिद्ध नर्मदा परिक्रमा कर रहे हैं। नर्मदा परिक्रमा के दौरान इस कार्य से जुड़े लोगों के बीच जाकर डिजिटल बाबा सोशल मीडिया के जरिए अपनी पहचान बनाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं।
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