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Chita Bhasm Holi at Kashi (काशी की चिता भस्म होली)

You must have heard a lot about Barsana's famous Lathmar Holi or Mithila's Kichad(Mud) Holi, but you must not have seen the clumsy way of playing Holi at the crematorium amidst the burning pyre. This happens only in Kashi. People here play Holi with Mahadev. Even the ashes are not like this, they are prepared from the ashes of the dead who are seen in the great crematorium. One such specialty is that on the next day of Rangbhari Ekadashi, Holi of ashes is played in Kashi, the city of Mahadev.
How is Chita Bhasma Holi celebrated?
The city of Kashi, which is the city of salvation, where even death is a festival, and where Devadhidev Mahadev himself, along with his ganas and devotees, plays Holi of pyre ashes at Manikarnika Ghat in the midst of blazing pyres, such is the belief.

On one side the pyres will continue to burn and on the other side, saints and devotees will be engrossed in playing Holi with the ashes of the extinguished pyres. People will dance fiercely amidst the beats of DJ, Dhol, Majire and Damru and the cremation ground resounds with the announcement of Har-Har Mahadev.

Mythology Behind kashi ki chita bhasm ki holi
❀ It is a belief in Kashi that on the day of Rangbhari Ekadashi, Baba Vishwanath brings Mata Parvati to his abode Kashi, which is celebrated as a festival and since then the festival of colors Holi is considered to be the beginning.
❀ Every year on the second day of Rangbhari Ekadashi, Holi of Chita Bhasma will be played at Maha Shamshan Manikarnika Ghat. It is a belief that after bathing, Baba comes to the Manikarnika cremation ground with his loved ones and Holi is played with the ashes of the pyre.
❀ Here devotees of Shiva sing Fagua songs and give a message to the country and the world that both birth and death are festivals in Kashi. People from all over the country come to Kashi to see the Holi of pyre ashes.
❀ Dev, Devi’s, Yakshas, ​​Gandharvas, humans all participate in this festival. Kashi is the only city in the world, where the journey from death to salvation is decided between separation and joy. In such a situation, the way of celebrating a great festival like Holi is also unique in the city of Kashi.

Kashi is wonderful and the traditions of this wonderful city are also unique. These traditions of Kashi separate this wonderful city from the rest of the world. Such a wonderful and unique tradition is the Holi of Chita Bhasma at the crematorium Manikarnika Ghat.

काशी की चिता भस्म होली हिन्दी में पढ़ें

काशी नगरी जो कि मोक्ष की नगरी है , जहां मृत्यु भी एक उत्सव है और जहां देवाधिदेव महादेव महा शमशान मणिकर्णिका घाट पर स्वयं अपने गणों और भक्तों के साथ धधकती चिताओं के बीच चिता भस्म की होली खेलते हैं, ऐसी मान्यता है।
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