Why is the Mahaprasad of Bhagwan Jagannath prepared in an earthen pot
The kitchen located in Jagannath temple is also called the largest kitchen in the world. Here, 56 bhog offerings are also made for Lord Jagannath.
Why is Jagannath Temple Prasad called Mahaprasad?
The Mahaprasad, which has been found in the Jagannath temple for centuries, is made by around 600-700 cooks, which is distributed among about 50 thousand devotees.
Story of Bhagwan Alarnath: Shri Jagannath Katha
During the anasar period when deities are ill, Kheer bhog (milk rice) is presented to the deities as well as the devotees in the Alarnath temple complex.
Lets know some related information, famous hymns and other inspiring facts related to Jainism..
Asadha maas or Aadi is a month of the Hindu calendar which corresponds to June/July in the Gregorian calendar. In India's calendar, this is the fourth Month of the year.
There are many supernatural greatness of Bhagwan Jagannath in Jagannath temple. Among them, Nabakalevar is a very big supernatural festival. The idols of Bhagwan Jagannath, Devi Subhadra and Bhagwan Balabhadra are changed every 12 years.
What is the Niladri Bije ritual of Bhagwan Jagannath?
Neeladri Bije marks the end of the annual Rath Yatra festival and the return of Bhagwan Jagannath to the sanctum or else you can tell a sweet story between Bhagwan Jagannath and his beloved wife Maa Mahalakshmi.
Jagannath Laxmi Narayan Bhesh or Thiakia Bhesh
The laxmi narayan bhesh or thiakia bhesh of mahaprabhu takes place on kartika shukla ekadashi.
"Madhupark" is a substance/drink which is welcomed with great respect by the bride's side when the groom arrives at the bride's door during the marriage.
Summer Solstice | June Solstice
The summer solstice occurs when the Earth's inclination towards the Sun is maximum. Therefore, on the day of the summer solstice, the Sun appears at its highest altitude with a midday position that changes very little for several days before and after the summer solstice. June 21 is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere, technically this day is called the Summer Solstice. The amount of light received by a specific area in the Northern Hemisphere during the summer solstice depends on that location's latitudinal location.
Rukmini Haran is one such event which is the festival of marriage between Madanmohan and Rukmini. It is a grand festival at Puri Jagannath Temple, Odisha. It falls during Nirjala Ekadashi day (Jyestha Shukla Ekadashi).
Jyoshtha month is the third month of the year in the traditional Hindu calendar. Jyeshtha in Vedic astrology begins with the entry of the Sun into Taurus, and according to Vaishnavism it is the second month of the year.
The Jain flag is important in Jainism and serves as a symbol of unity for its followers. The Jain flag is hoisted atop the main spire of the temple during various ceremonies.
ome collection of hymns, mantras and songs sung by them is listed here, all the devotees of the Sanatani tradition enjoy it.