Ayudha Puja marks the celebration of the victory of good over evil and the destruction of the demon Mahishasura by Devi Durga. It is celebrated as part of Navratri festival. For Ayudha Puja, Devi Saraswati, Parvati Mata and Lakshmi Devi are worshiped. People worship their tools and weapons, similar to Vishwakarma Puja in South India.
Mysore Dasara is a 10-day long festival which is celebrated with great pomp in Mysore | How is Mysore Dasara celebrated? | When will the Mysore Dasara Festival 2024 begin
Vijayadashami Specials | Sharadiya Navratri is starting from October 3 in the year 2024. Let's know! Some special information, aartis, bhajans, mantras and interesting stories related to this special festival, through quick links ...
Method of Kanya Pujan in Navratri
In Navratri, nine forms of Maa Durga are worshiped by bidhi. Along with this, Ashtami and Navami dates are considered very special, because these days there is also a rule of kanya pujan. It is believed that kanya pujan in Navratri brings happiness and prosperity. Due to this, Maa Durga is soon pleased.
What is Samadhi? Differentiate Bhu-Samadhi and Jal-Samadhi?
Samadhi is the Hindi name for a temple, shrine, or memorial commemorating the dead. Samadhi sites are often built in this way to honor people regarded as saints or gurus in Hindu religious traditions, wherein such souls are said to have passed into maha samadhi, or were already in samadhi at the time of death.
Navratri Special: Seven Top Maa Durga Temples in India
Seven temples of Maa Durga very famous for Navratri, every year is flooded with faith.
It is believed that during Navratri Maa Durga comes from heaven to bless her devotees. During Navratri, numerous devotees gather in the famous temples of the mother spread in different corners of India. Let us know that apart from Vaishno Devi, Seven temples of Maa Durga are also very famous.
7 Grains Used in Navratri Ghatasthapana Puja
The installation of Kalash is considered to be the most important thing in the worship of Navratri. In the scriptures, establishing the Kalash is considered to be the form of Bhagwan Ganesh. Let us know which are these 7 types of grains.
Navratri Vrat Foods and Benefits
Food items that you can consume during Navratri. It provides right amount of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins as per its requirement.
The Vrischikolassavam festival at Sri Poornathrayesa Temple in Thripunithura is an exciting and important festival in Kerala, celebrated in the Thiruvonam Nakshatra in the month of Vrischikam.
Autumnal Equinox | September Equinox
The summer solstice occurs when the Earth's inclination towards the Sun is maximum. Therefore, on the day of the summer solstice, the Sun appears at its highest altitude with a midday position that changes very little for several days before and after the summer solstice.
Ganesh Visarjan is a significant ritual in the Ganesh Chaturthi festival, marking the culmination of the celebrations dedicated to Bhagwan Ganesh.
This year Budhwa Mangal and Radhashtami Festival is on the same day Tuesday, 17 September 2024.
Bhadrapada maas is the sixth lunar month in the Hindu calendar. Which is also known as Bhadra or Bhadrapada or Bhado or Bhadrav.
Radha Ashtami is an important Hindu festival dedicated to Devi Radha Rani. This festival is celebrated with prayers, fasting, kirtan and bhajan.
Difference between Sankasthi Chaturthi and Vinayak Chaturthi?
According to the law of scriptures, the Chaturthi of Shukla Paksha which comes after the new moon is called Vinayak Chaturthi and the Chaturthi of Krishna Paksha which comes after the full moon is called Sankashti Chaturthi.