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Ayodhya Ram Mandir Bhumi Pujan (अयोध्या राम मंदिर भूमि पूजन)

Ayodhya Ram Mandir Bhumi Pujan
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Bhoomi Poojan for the construction of a grand temple at Shri Ram's birthplace in Ayodhya has been finalized. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will do the Bhoomi Poojan for the proposed temple on Ram Janmabhoomi on 5 August.
During the Bhoomi Pujan, the holy water of the confluence of Ganga Yamuna in Prayagraj will also be taken to Ayodhya. With this water, Prime Minister Modi will offer prayers there.

It is being told that Prime Minister Modi will install the copper urn in the Bhoomi Pujan of Ram temple in Ayodhya. According to the Vedic tradition, in the copper urn which is used for the foundation worship of the temple, the water of all the pilgrimages along with the Ganges water, Sarvaushadhi, Panch Ratna, in which diamond, emerald, ruby, gold and brass will be kept.

Here, five bricks / rocks named Nanda, Bhadra, Jaya, Rikta and Poorna will be worshiped after establishing the Kalash as per Vedic Vastu Pujan and Vidhan.

Mahant Nritya Gopal Das, President of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Tirtha Kshetra Trust, will dedicate about 40 kg silver Shri Ram Shila in Bhumi Pujan. PM Narendra Modi will worship this rock and install it.

???? Ram Mandir Model:
❀ According to the proposed model, the Ram temple to be built on 2.75 lakh cubic meters of terrain will be of two floors.
❀ The length of this temple will be 270 feet, width 140 feet and height 128 feet.
❀ There will be five doors in the temple with 330 beams and 106-106 on both floors i.e. a total of 212 pillars.
❀ The gates will be installed in the five parts of the temple i.e. the sanctum sanctorum, kauli, rang mandap, dance pavilion and lion gate.
❀ The main gate of the Ram temple will be constructed with white marble of Makrana.
❀ A 16.3 feet cell will be built just above the sanctum sanctorum, on which a 65.3 feet high peak will be built.

Sri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust has also started its preparations for Bhoomi Pujan.
यह भी जानें

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