Shani Jayanti

On the occasion of Shani jayanti, Bhakti Bharat brings to you special greetings, messages, photo messages and much more in WhatsApp Messenger. According to the Hindu calendar, every year on the amavasya of Jyestha month, the birth anniversary of Bhagwan Shani, the giver of karma, the son of the surya and the cause of justice, is celebrated.
Shani Jayanti Wishes-quotes
Happy Saturday | Shri Bajrangbali Ki Jai, Shri Shani Maharaj Ki Jai | Shani Jayanti Wishes in Hindi
Shani Jayanti Wishes-quotes
Happy Saturday | Shri Bajrangbali Ki Jai, Shri Shani Maharaj Ki Jai | Happy Shani Jayanti
Shani Jayanti Wishes-quotes
Shani Jayanti Wishes in Hindi
Shani Jayanti Wishes-quotes
Happy Shani Jayanti | Happy Shanishchari Amavasya | Shani Jayanti | Shani Amavasya | Shanishchara Jayanti | Balaji Dham Meerut
Shani Jayanti Wishes-quotes
Happy Shani Jayanti | Happy Shanishchari Amavasya | Shani Jayanti | Shani Amavasya | Shanishchara Jayanti | Shri Mohan Kund Radha Krishna Mandir, Gurugram
Shani Jayanti Wishes-quotes
Happy Shani Jayanti | Happy Shanishchari Amavasya | Shani Jayanti | Shani Amavasya | Shanishchara Jayanti | Balaji Dham Meerut
Shani Jayanti Wishes-quotes
Happy Shani Jayanti | Happy Shanishchari Amavasya | Shani Jayanti | Shani Amavasya | Shanishchara Jayanti | Balaji Dham Meerut
Shani Jayanti Wishes-quotes
Happy Shani Jayanti | Happy Shanishchari Amavasya | Shani Jayanti | Shani Amavasya | Shanishchara Jayanti
Bhakti Bharat wishes Shani jayanti to your loved ones and to celebrate this festival with purity, Shani jayanti Message , Shani jayanti Wishes, Shani jayanti Wishes , Shani jayanti Wishes , Shani jayanti Wallpaper Wishes, Shani jayanti Wishes SMS Happy Shani jayanti Photos, Happy Shani jayanti Wishes in Hindi, Happy Shani jayanti Whatsapp Status, Happy Shani jayanti Whatsapp Messages, Images, Quotes, Messages, Status, Photos, Cards, Greetings & GIFs. Saturn is the slowest moving planet among all the nine planets and is considered a cruel planet. Bhagwan Shani gives auspicious or inauspicious results to people according to their deeds. According to the beliefs of Vedic astrology, those people who have an inauspicious shadow of Saturn in their horoscope or have an oblique vision in their horoscope, they have to go through many physical, mental and economic problems. Shani Dev stays in any one zodiac sign for about two and a half years, then after that starts the journey of another zodiac sign. In the scriptures, many types of measures are taken to please Shani Dev. The festival of Shani Jayanti is a very special occasion to please Shani Dev.

Share your feelings in life with your loved ones, friends and relatives on the day of Shani jayanti . You can also share Shani jayanti Wishes of Bhakti Bharat as WhatsApp Status and Message, Instagram Stories, Twitter Status and Facebook Feed on the occasion of Shani jayanti .
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