On the occasion of Mangala Gauri Vrat, Bhakti Bharat brings to you special greetings, messages, photo messages and much more in WhatsApp Messenger. According to the Hindu calendar, Mangala Gauri Vrat is observed on every Tuesday of the month of Shravan. Mata Mangala Gauri blesses married women with a happy and prosperous married life. Performing this ritual reduces the inauspicious effects of Mars and people who have Mangal Dosha in their horoscope should observe Mangala Gauri Vrat.
Mangala Gauri Vrat Wishes in Hindi | Mangala Gauri Vrat | Shri Sankat Mochan Hanuman Mandir
Mangala Gauri Vrat Wishes in Hindi | Mangala Gauri Vrat | Shiv Shakti Mandir, Vaishali Sector-3 Ghaziabad UP
Mangala Gauri Vrat Wishes in Hindi | Mangala Gauri Vrat | Balaji Dham Mandir, Indrapuram
Mangala Gauri Vrat Wishes in Hindi | Mangala Gauri Vrat
Mangala Gauri Vrat 2023 | Mangala Gauri Vrat Schedule 2023
Mangala Gauri Vrat Wishes
Bhakti Bharat wishes Mangala Gauri Vrat to your loved ones and to celebrate this festival with purity,Mangala Gauri Vrat Message 2025, Mangala Gauri Vrat Wishes,Mangala Gauri Vrat Wishes 2025, Mangala Gauri Vrat Wishes 2025, Mangala Gauri Vrat Wallpaper Wishes, Mangala Gauri Vrat Wishes SMS Happy Mangala Gauri Vrat Photos, Happy Mangala Gauri Vrat Wishes in Hindi, Happy Mangala Gauri Vrat Whatsapp Status, Happy Mangala Gauri Vrat Whatsapp Messages, Images, Quotes, Messages, Status, Photos, Cards, Greetings & GIFs. Just as every Monday of Sawan is very important for worshiping Shiva, similarly every Tuesday of Sawan is considered important for worshiping Mother Parvati. Mangala Gauri Vrat is observed on every Tuesday of the month of Shravan. Married women keep this fast for the long life of husband and children, but if both husband and wife fast together and worship Shankar-Parvati, love and peace prevail in married life. Those who worship Maa Mangala Gauri on every Tuesday of Sawan get good luck. This time due to more months, Sawan will last for 60 days i.e. 2 months. According to Panchang, Mangala Gauri Vrat will also come in more months.
Share your feelings in life with your loved ones, friends and relatives on the day of Mangala Gauri Vrat 2025. You can also share Mangala Gauri Vrat 2025 Wishes of Bhakti Bharat as WhatsApp Status and Message, Instagram Stories, Twitter Status and Facebook Feed on the occasion of Mangala Gauri Vrat 2025.
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