Sarv Bhayanak Rog Nashak Mantra (सर्व भयानक रोग नाशक मंत्र)

This Mantra is the 45th Mantra of the famous Bhaktamar Stotra of the Jain Sampraday. Hearing and chanting of this mantra destroy the severe ascites diseases. Hence, this mantra is also called disease-eradication(Rog Unmoolan) mantra.
Shochyam Dasha-Mupagatash-Chyut-Jeevitashah ।
Martya Bhawanti Makar-Dhwaj-Tulya-Roopah ॥
सर्व भयानक रोग नाशक मंत्र - हिन्दी में पढ़ें
उद्भूत-भीषण-जलोदर-भार-भुग्नाः । मंत्र: रोग-व्याधि सभी दूर करने हेतु | रोग-उन्मूलन मंत्र | सर्व भयानक रोग नाशक मंत्र
Mantra Rog Nashak MantraSarv Rog Nashak MantraJain MantraJainism MantraDaslakshan Parva MantraParyushana MantraJain Samaj MantraBhaktamar Stotra Mantra
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