updated Mar 14, 2023, 06:33 AM | 👤 Admin
Vedic astrology is completely based on planets and constellations (Nakshatra).
Nakshatra is the term for a lunar mansion in Hindu astrology and Indian astronomy. A nakshatra is one of the 27 (sometimes 28) sectors along the ecliptic. Their names are related to a prominent star or nakshatra in or near the respective regions.
A list of nakshatras is found for the first time in the Vedanga Jyotisha, a text dating to the last centuries BCE. The nakshatra system predates the influence of Hellenistic astrology on the Vedic tradition, which became prevalent from about the 2nd century CE.
The names of the 27 Nakshatras are as follows:
1. Ashwini
2. Bharani
3. Krittika
4. Rohini
5. Mrigashira
6. Ardra
7. Punarvasu
8. Pushya
9. Ashlesha
10. Magha
11. Purva Phalguni
12. Uttara Phalguni
13. Hasta
14. Chitra
15. Swati
16. Vishaka
17. Anurada
18. Jyeshta
19. Mula
20. Purva Ashadha
21. Uttara Ashadha
22. Shravana
23. Dhanishta
24. Shatabhishak
25. Purva Bhadrapada
26. Uttara Bhadrapada
27. Revati
वैदिक ज्योतिष पूरी तरह से ग्रहों और नक्षत्रों पर आधारित है। नक्षत्र हिंदू ज्योतिष और भारतीय खगोल विज्ञान में एक चंद्र हवेली के लिए शब्द है। एक नक्षत्र ग्रहण के साथ 27 (कभी-कभी 28) क्षेत्रों में से एक है। उनके नाम संबंधित क्षेत्रों में या उसके निकट एक प्रमुख सितारे या नक्षत्र से संबंधित हैं। What is the specialty of nakshatras?
Auspicious nakshatra
Auspicious Nakshatras are those in which all the works done are proven and successful. In these 15 nakshatras are considered- Rohini, Ashwin, Mrigashira, Pushya, Hasta, Chitra, Revati, Shravan, Swati, Anuradha, Uttarabhadrapada, Uttarashada, Uttaraphalguni, Ghanishtha, Punarvasu.
Madhya nakshatra
Those nakshatras come under the middle nakshatra, in which it is generally not appropriate to do any special or big work, but there is no harm from the point of view of normal work. The Nakshatras coming in these are Purvaphalguni, Purvashadha, Purvabhadrapada, Visakha, Jyestha, Ardra, Mula and Shatabhisha.
Asubh nakshatra
No auspicious work should ever be done in an inauspicious nakshatra. It always gives bad results or hinders functioning. The Nakshatras that come under this are- Bharani, Kritika, Magha and Ashlesha. These Nakshatras are generally considered suitable for large and destructive operations such as demolishing a building, dispossessing, setting fire, blasting to cut a mountain or conducting any military or nuclear test etc. But for a common man or Jatak these four nakshatras are considered very dangerous and harmful.
Planets and nakshatras are very important for those who believe in destiny. The principle of Nakshatras is of great importance in Vedic astrology. It is considered to be the most accurate and infallible of all the astrological methods practiced all over the world.
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