Niladri Bije (नीलाद्रि बिजे)

Neeladri Bije Mahotsav marks the conclusion of the annual Rath Yatra festival. After staying in Gundicha temple, the Trimurti returns home on the day of Niledri Bijhe. His return home and sitting on the Ratna throne in the sanctum takes place on the thirteenth day.How Niladri Bije ritual Celebrated?
After the evening incense of the Trimurti and the conclusion of the evening rituals, the deities are scheduled to come out of their respective chariots.

After this, the deities are taken one after the other inside the temple through Singhdwar. First the idols of Madan Mohan and Ramakrishna are taken inside the temple, then the idols of Sri Sudarshan, Devi Subhadra and Sri Balabhadra are taken inside the temple.

Shri Jagannath is the last person to enter the temple. Bhagwan Jagannath descends from Nandighosh and moves towards Singhdwar. Devi Lakshmi is angry with Jagannath that God took his brother and sister with him on the journey and did not take me. As Bhagwan Jagannath moves forward, Devi Lakshmi keeps an eye on him, and when he is about to enter the temple through the Singhadwara, she orders the doors to be closed. On the orders of Devi Lakshmi, the lion gate for Bhagwan Jagannath is closed and he is released outside the Srimandir. Devi Lakshmi is seen expressing her anger in Gundicha on Hera Panchami when she breaks the chariot of Jagannath.

Bhagwan Jagannath humbly requests:
कबात मुदघटा हे सिन्धु कन्यके
समर्पयामि सुविचित्र माम्बरविधम्।

In the above lines, Jagannath invokes Devi Lakshmi and says open the door
Oh! Sindhu Kanya, I have to give you something unique.

Bhagwan Jagannath offers new clothes and Rasgulla to please Devi Lakshmi. Finally, Devi Lakshmi opens the door and allows the Bhagwan to enter. After much pleading, Devi Lakshmi allows the lion gate to be opened for the entry of Jagannath on Neeladri Bije.

The reconciliation of the divine couple takes place in a sweet voice. This is called 'Manabhanjana', to please Devi Lakshmi by offering Rasgulla. Thus Neeladri Bije is also celebrated as Rasgulla Day. After the ritual of offering Rasgulla, Shri Jagannath proceeds to the Ratna Singhasan in the sanctorum.
नीलाद्रि बिजे - हिन्दी में पढ़ें
नीलाद्रि बिज महोत्सव वार्षिक रथ यात्रा उत्सव के समापन का प्रतीक है।
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