Asadha Maas 2024 (आषाढ़ मास 2024)

Asadha maas or Aadi is a month of the Hindu calendar which corresponds to June/July in the Gregorian calendar. In India's calendar, this is the fourth Month of the year. In Vedic astrology, Asadha begins with the entry of Sun into Gemini. It is the first of the two month that comprise the monsoon season. Asadha is the third Maas in the Bengali calendar.
Importance of Asadha Maas
The Month of Asadha is very important in Hinduism. Worshiping Mangal and Surya during this time is considered auspicious. According to astrology, by worshiping mangal in this month, mangal sitting in the horoscope starts giving auspicious effects instead of inauspicious effects.

This month is the monsoon season in India. Due to some negative beliefs, the Maas of Asadha is recognized as a weak month. It is believed that the Maas of Asadha is inauspicious for performing auspicious works such as house warming, sacred thread ceremony, marriage etc.

Asadha Maas celebrations
Rath Yatra in the month of Asadha is one of the major festivals dedicated to Bhagwan Jagannath which is held every year in Puri and other places.

Guru Purnima, a festival dedicated to Guru is celebrated in the month of Asadha. Earlier Shayani Ekadashi is celebrated on the eleventh lunar day (Ekadashi) of Shukla Paksha.

Asadha Maas 2024
This year, Ashadh maas is calculated from Saturday, June 22, 2024 to Sunday, July 21, 2024.

Asadha Maas 2024 Vrat, Festivals, Jayanti and Utsav
22 June Saturday 2024: Ishti
25 June Tuesday 2024: Krishnapingal Sankashti Chaturthi
02 July Tuesday 2024: Yogini Ekadashi
03 July Wednesday 2024: Pradosh Vrat
05 July Friday, 2024: Darsh Amavasya, Anvadhan, Ashadh Amavasya
06 July Saturday, 2024: Ashadh Navratri, Ishti
07 July Sunday, 2024: Jagannath Rath Yatra, Chandra Darshan
16th July Tuesday, 2024: Kark Sankranti
17th July Wednesday, 2024: Devshayani Ekadashi
18th July Thursday, 2024: Pradosh Vrat
19th July Friday, 2024: Jayaparvati Vrat begins
20th July Saturday, 2024: Kokila Vrat
21st July Sunday, 2024:: Guru Purnima, Vyas Puja, Ashada Purnima, Anvadhan
आषाढ़ मास 2024 - हिन्दी में पढ़ें
आषाढ़ मास या आदि हिंदू कैलेंडर का एक महीना है जो ग्रेगोरियन कैलेंडर में जून / जुलाई से मेल खाता है। भारत के कैलेंडर में, यह महीना वर्ष का चौथा महीना होता है।
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