Abhijit Muhurat (अभिजीत मुहूर्त)

Abhijit Muhurat is an auspicious time in the afternoon that lasts for about 48 minutes. Abhijit Muhurat can destroy innumerable doshas and is considered as one of the best Muhurats to initiate all kinds of auspicious works.
How to calculate Abhijit Muhurat:
Abhijit Muhurat is the 8th Muhurat out of 15 Muhurat which occurs between sunrise and sunset. The time interval between sunrise and sunset is divided into 15 equal parts and the middle part of fifteen parts is known as Abhijit Muhurat.

If sunrise occurs at 6 in the morning and sunset at 6 in the evening. Abhijit Muhurat for a particular place will start exactly 24 minutes before noon and end 24 minutes after noon. In other words, Abhijit Muhurat for such a place will be between 11:40 am to 12:20 pm. Of the day Due to the seasonal variation of sunrise and sunset times, the exact timing and duration of Abhijit Muhurat are not fixed.

It is believed that Bhagwan Shiva killed the demon Tripurasura during Abhijit Muhurat. Moreover, Abhijit Muhurat has the blessings of Bhagwan Vishnu who destroys innumerable doshas with his Sudarshan Chakra during the Muhurat posture.

Other names for Abhijit Muhurat :
Abhijit Muhurat is also known as Abhijit Muhurat, Chaturth Lagna, Qutub Muhurat and Swami Tithiyansh Muhurat. The pattern of Abhijit Muhurat is Nishita Kaal which prevails during midnight.

It should be noted that Abhijit Muhurat is not suitable on Wednesday as it makes this weekday a harmful Muhurat. Abhijit Muhurat is also not suitable for Manglik activities like marriage and Upanayan ceremony.
अभिजीत मुहूर्त - हिन्दी में पढ़ें
अभिजीत मुहूर्त दोपहर के समय का शुभ मुहूर्त है जो लगभग 48 मिनट तक रहता है। अभिजीत मुहूर्त असंख्य दोषों को नष्ट करने में सक्षम है और सभी प्रकार के शुभ कार्यों को शुरू करने के लिए इसे सर्वश्रेष्ठ मुहूर्तों में से एक माना जाता है।
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