Meerabai (मीराबाई)

Bhaktmal: Meerabai
Real name - Meera
Other Names - Sant Meerabai
Aradhya - Shri Krishna
Born - 1498, Sharad Purnima (Meerabai Jayanti)
Place of Birth - Kudki, Jaitaran Tehsil, Pali district, Rajasthan
Marital Status - Married
Language - Hindi, Sanskrit, Marwari, Gujarati
Father- Ratan Singh
Mother - Veer Kumari
Famous - Devotion to Krishna, Devotional Poems
Mirabai was a 16th-century Hindu mystic poetess and an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna. She was born in a Rathor Rajput royal family in Kudki, she was a famous Bhakti saint. She is mentioned in the Bhaktamāla, confirming that she was widely known and a revered figure in the Bhakti movement culture by around 1600 CE.

Hindu temples, such as those at Chittorgarh Fort, are dedicated to Mirabai's memory. Many of Mira Bai's compositions are still sung in India today, mostly in the form of devotional songs (bhajans), though almost all of them have a philosophical connotation. One of his most popular compositions is "Payoji Maine Naam Ratan Dhan Payo".

Most of the legends about Mirabai refer to her fearless disregard for social and family conventions, her devotion to Krishna, her acceptance of Krishna as her husband, and her religious devotion.
मीराबाई - हिन्दी में पढ़ें
मीराबाई, 16वीं शताब्दी की हिंदू रहस्यवादी कवयित्री और भगवान कृष्ण की परम भक्त थीं। उनका जन्म कुडकी में एक राठौर राजपूत शाही परिवार में हुआ था, वह एक प्रसिद्ध भक्ति संत थीं।
Bhakt Meerabai BhaktSant Meera BhaktShri Krishna BhaktRadha Krishna BhaktBhakti Movement Bhakt
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