Bhaktamal | Anandamayi Ma
Real Name - Nirmala Sundari
Other Names - Shri Maa, Sri Anandamayi Ma
Aaradhya - Shri Hari
Disciple - Jyotiscandra Ray
Born - 30 April 1896
Place of Birth - Kheora, Brahmanbaria District, Bengal Presidency (Bangladesh)
Marital Status - Married
Language -Bengali
Father- Bipinbihari Bhattacharya
Mother - Mokshada Sundari Devi
Husband - Ramani Mohan Chakrabarti
Died - 27 August 1982
Famous - Hindu spiritual teacher
Famous Quote - "The only thing that is real is love. Everything else is illusion."Anandamayi Ma was a Hindu saint and mystic who lived in India from 1896 to 1982. She was known for her ecstatic dancing and singing, and for her ability to heal the sick.
She was also a teacher of Advaita Vedanta, a Hindu philosophy that emphasizes the unity of all being.
Anandamayi Ma was born in a small village in Bengal, India.
When she was 18 years old, she experienced a profound spiritual awakening. After this experience, she began to live a life of renunciation and devotion to God. She traveled throughout India, teaching and giving darshan. She attracted a large following of disciples, who came to her for spiritual guidance and healing. She was also known for her ability to perform miracles, such as healing the sick and raising the dead.
She is considered to be one of the most important spiritual figures of the 20th century. Her teachings and example continue to inspire people around the world.