Mahal Ko Dekh Dare Sudama
Ka Re Bhi Mori Ram Madiya
Kahan Ke Bhup Utre
It Ut Bhatkat,chahun or Khojat
Man Mein Soch Kare
Ka Re Bhi Mori Ram Madiya
Prabhu Se Vinay Kare
Kanak Atari Chadhi Boli Sundari
Kahe Bhatak Rahyo
Sakal Sampda Hai Grih Bheetar
Deenanath Bhare
Pratham Dwar Gajraj Viraje
Dooje Ashwa Khade
Tije Dwar Vishwakarma Baithe
Hira-ratan Jade
Deenanath Tinhan Ke Andar
Ja Par Kripa Kare
Soordas Prabhu Aas Charan Ki
Duhkh Daridra Hare
Bhakti-Bharat Presents the Famous Bhajan to All the Devotees Depicting the Grace of Bhagwan Krishna on His Sakha Sudama. Let Us Incorporate Bhajans Into Our Daily Routine.
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contact us page. Whatever you think, (+) or (-) doesn't metter!